What's a flashcard and what are this module - definion?

What should we call these famous modules?
Players call this module a R4 or R4 3DS, a card, a module, an electronic card for 3DS or even 3DS card. The correct name is: card. This is the exact name to describe this famous electronic module for the Nintendo DS, 3DS or 2DS handhelds. These different names are for the most part quite used. As a result, it has become commonplace for bloggers, players and technicians.What's a flashcard?
A flashcard can simply hack his Nintendo portable console. It will allow to play with copies of Ds games, copies of 3DS games. In the middle of the hack, these copies of games are called Rom. So, as you must know, we are dealing with the problem of legality. Also you should know that it of course prohibited by law to download DS rom or 3DS roms on sites dedicated to that. In France, what is legal is to create your own copies of games from the originals you bought.An r4 3ds card, how it works?

Physically a flashcard, a card R4 3ds is like an official game cartridge except that it has a small slot or you can insert a microSD type memory card. On this memory card will be stored copies of games (Roma). Then according to the program and the constitution of the flashcard we select the different games present on the map either by a small button on the flashcard or directly on the game console.
Here you know a little better the basics of flashcards. You have more than to choose between different market players. However, the world's best selling R4 3DS is Sky3DS +. This is the most powerful and reliable R4 3DS.
Top most sold flashcard-r4 2ds/r4 3ds
With Nintendo's regular updates on its portable gaming consoles, some 3DS flashcards remain on the wall. Some Teams do not find solutions to deal with these firmware updates and their R4 3DS cards no longer work. If the list of R4 is quite consistent at the beginning, you will see that it will reduce when we look at those that allow to launch 3DS / 2DS games and then those that are compatible with the latest firmware from Nintendo, putting at 11.11.0-43.Here is the list of r4 3ds cards that work on 3DS, 2DS, New 3DS XL and New 2DS XL in alphabetical order:
- Ace3DS
- Acekard 2i
- EVO3ds
- EX4i Movie
- FLASH Redux
- Gateway 3DS
- iSmart MM
- K3DS
- M3i zero
- MT Card 3ds
- R4i gold 3DS
- R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe Edition
- R4i gold Pro
- R4i SDHC 3DS
- R4itt
- R4i sdhc dual core
- R4i sdhc-silver
- R4iDSN Wood 3DS
- R4itt 3DS
- SKY3DS+ (Otherwise called: Sky3ds V3 or Sky3ds Orange button or Sky3ds Plus)
- SKY3DS (Otherwise called: Sky3ds V2 or Sky3ds blue button)
- Stargate 3DS
Which card shoud be choosed for the console?
There are 2 types of flashcard, one that reads DS / DSI games on all console versions, ie the R4i.Recently, there are also flashcards for 3DS games that will work on the New3ds / xl, 3ds / xl and New2ds / xl consoles. There are several brands of 3ds cards but I will not dwell on the flashcards that are only compatible with the versions of consoles in 4.5 because there are practically no consoles with this old version so useless (I quote Mtcard, The most popular gateway is the 3ds Gateway (which is also very complicated to use), but the best link to date is undoubtedly sky3ds +.
R4 3DS Card that have the capacity to launch 3ds roms
The R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe Edition flashcards, Gateway 3DS, sky3ds V2 and sky3ds + are the only ones that can launch 3DS games.
Then only the sky3ds V2 and the sky3ds + runs on firmware 11.11.0-43. Finally only the sky3ds + can launch all games in the Nintendo catalog. Indeed the latest games released on 3DS and 2DS have new security as Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon and sky V2 does not allow to turn them. Moreover the production of the sky3ds v2 has been stopped even if the Team continues to propose updates.
The Stargate 3DS is also available now. This R4 2Ds / 3DS is compatible with the latest update for Nintendo's handhelds. The big problem is that this R4 2DS is caffeine bugs. The product is for the beginning of the year 2018 very poorly supported by the Team. Is Team Stargate incompetent or lacking rigor, it's still a little early to say.
Which card can play DS and 3DS games on 2DS and 3DS console?
To choose a good flashcard for DS games, it turns out very simple: most r4 3ds cards are designed to launch roms ds on Nintendo 3DS or 2DS models. The R4i gold 3ds card and the R4i gold pro are at the top of the charts card hit parade with the R4i B9S. Why: price, quality, compatibility hombrews and games). They are compatible with DS / LITE DSI / XL 3DS / XL consoles and also the latest 2DS / xl console (all updates combined).If your budget is low, you can buy the Ace3ds plus card, which costs less than 10$, or the cheapest r4 3ds card, but with the same features as the classic r4 cards, that is to say a micro SD memory card and be able to contain your games, your images, your videos
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