What is PegaScape?
PegaScape is a user-friendly public frontend for common PegaSwitch scripts including Nereba, Caffeine, HBL and more.

What can PegaScape be used for?
With PegaScape, you can easily reboot from a stock Switch console running firmwares between 1.0.0-3.0.0 or 4.0.1-4.1.0 into full custom firmware and emuMMC. You can also install the Fake News entrypoint to make accessing PegaScape easier, and access the Homebrew Menu without running full custom firmware if you prefer.
Attention PegaScape
So far, almost all Switch homebrews have been developed with the idea that everyone has access to the MRC. As such, most homebrew payloads and especially MCR payloads have no protection for IPATCHED device users.
Understand that this means that it is incredibly easy to do something that, although considered normal on consoles with exploitable MCR, can make the IPATCHED switches permanently unusable. For your safety, avoid using the following homebrews on IPATCHED systems:
- memloader
- ChoiDujour
- ChoiDujourNX (sure about emuMMC, do not use on sysnand)
All about AutoRCM (briccmii, payload SX OS, etc.)
Many homebrews have been updated to block the activation of AutoRCM on IPATCHED units, including Hekate and ChoiDujourNX. Always be very careful.
Anything that writes to sysNAND without security or verification in place
When using PegaScape to restart a payload on an IPATCHED Switch, you must immediately create a NAND backup with Hekate and empty all your keys (especially BIS keys) with Lockpick_RCM. Be aware that by not emptying them, there is no recovery method for your switch if it fails to boot.
You should strongly consider using emuM ™ for any use of CFW to avoid any damage to your Nintendo Switch.
Many homebrews have been updated to block the activation of AutoRCM on IPATCHED units, including Hekate and ChoiDujourNX. Always be very careful.
Anything that writes to sysNAND without security or verification in place
When using PegaScape to restart a payload on an IPATCHED Switch, you must immediately create a NAND backup with Hekate and empty all your keys (especially BIS keys) with Lockpick_RCM. Be aware that by not emptying them, there is no recovery method for your switch if it fails to boot.
You should strongly consider using emuM ™ for any use of CFW to avoid any damage to your Nintendo Switch.

The AtlasNX Homebrew Guide has been updated to include options for PegaScape, including a comprehensive guide to converting a Stock Switch 1.0.0-3.0.0 or 4.0.1-4.1.0 to Full CFW mode.
Note that public DNS servers run the 90DNS configuration. This means that you can use PegaScape and use the homebrew with Internet functionality, but you can not connect to any Nintendo service.
Requirements of the SD card
You can easily retrieve all these files from SDSetup with the Kosmos + PegaScape kit.
How to start PegaScape
Set the DNS IP settings for your switch to Manual and set the primary DNS setting to the IP address shown above for the entry point of the browser you want to use. Then just go to the browser and you will be redirected to the PegaScape page!
PegaScape will only show scripts that are compatible with your firmware version. You do not have to worry about executing inadvertently incompatible scripts.
Starting a script can take between 5 and 30 seconds, depending on your Internet connection and server status. If an exploit fails to start, try entering the browser again. If the launch fails several times, verify that the files are on your SD card in the appropriate locations, or try restarting your console. Create a problem on GitHub or contact a member of the AtlasNX team on Discord if the problem persists.
Note that public DNS servers run the 90DNS configuration. This means that you can use PegaScape and use the homebrew with Internet functionality, but you can not connect to any Nintendo service.
Which browser / DNS IP should I use?
On 1.0.0, you must use the DNS IP address of the Webapplet. You can use a JP copy of Puyo Puyo Tetris to access the browser or you can use Fake News, a new entry that also launches the browser. Fake News can be installed with the Fake News entry on PegaScape, by injecting a news backup with pre-installed Fake News, or by running the next Fake News Injector homebrew.
On other firmwares, you can use the DNS IP address of the Webapplet with Fake News in the same way as described above, or you can use the Wifi authentication prompt. When the respective DNS is set up, you can access the WiFi Authentication prompt by attempting to manually connect to the Wifi network in the settings, trying to link a NNID or trying to manually update a game from the Software Update tab in the software settings.
Finally, the appearance of PegaScape is a challenge for sx pro in price and compatibility. For now, PegaScape supports up to 4.1.0, so it will be possible to expand it to 7.1, just be patient